Billionaires. They're nice people.

Each week on the Billionaires Are Good podcast, comedians Dave Ross and Caleb Synan explore the life and fortune of a different billionaire. Dave and Caleb believe that all billionaires are going to hell, and that their presence on earth is killing us all, and that it’s not their fault!!! Be nice!!! 

The show is a laugh-heavy romp through the darkness of capitalism that doesn’t take itself seriously at all, rife with segments and tangents and rock radio stingers. Money is bad and billionaires are good and we all need to lay down.

"Listen to Dave and Caleb's podcast! Write a review if you can, and share links with your friends!"
-pol pot

The Hosts

Dave Ross

Dave Ross

Dave is hot. He made the website.
Caleb Synan

Caleb Synan

Caleb is ugly. And poor!

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